Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A fascinating article on the Syrian reactor
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thoughts on Bon Appetit
Here is my snap judgment: it's just not the same.
Bon Appetit lacks the sense of travel and adventure of Gourmet. It has too many recipes, not enough food writing. It is in a sense like the difference between Road Bike Action (a magazine filled with stats and bike reviews) and Bicycling, which spends more time talking about adventures to have on your bicycle. I think if I wanted Food TV magazine, I would have ordered it.
I will give it a few more months, perhaps with the demise of Gourmet they will tweak the format a bit, but at the moment I am disappointed.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
They shot my horse - Gourmet z"l
Gourmet Magazine, may your memory be a blessing z"l
More on the sad news over at the NYT.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Why I might never order another hamburger
E. Coli Path Shows Flaws in Beef Inspection
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Gay in Middle School?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
New Project
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
An App for that?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Deep dish pizza while camping
I made and froze a half pound dough before I left, along with about a cup of marinara sauce. My dough is a simple 1lb flour, 1 tb salt, 1 tb brown sugar, 2 tsp yeast and 1+ cup of water. This was half that.
At the campsite I oiled my dutch oven, stretched the dough and placed it inside the oven working it up the sides. The trick I discovered here is that the dough wants to fall back into the center so you need to have all the fillings close by and ready. I placed a layer of large cheese slices in first, followed by my other fillings, then sauce and then a final layer of cheese.
I baked it on my lowest setting for about an hour. Upon removal I discovered that yes, the crust had baked but that part of the bottom was burned. All of the fillings were hot, the cheese was molten and the side crust was great.
When I attempt this again I will try to spread the heat a bit, perhaps with a heat tamer between the stove and the oven. Or, I could do it in the coals of the fire.
Back from camping
I took my bike (actually I had four hung on the back of the car) and took the opportunity to ride in a new area since this is further south than I can roam normally. I rode up Mines Rd, which much to my surprise ran a good 20+ miles uphill from the 700 ft at the park entrance up to 2600 ft just south of the Santa Clara county line.
It was some really good riding though, a weekday morning and the number of cars and bikes encountered did not exceed my total number of fingers and toes over the course of nearly four hours of riding out and back. The road was quiet, the landscape charming and I even spotted a few jack rabbits and wild turkeys trying to decide if I was intent on chasing them. I did have a passing thought about the chance of a mountain lion being in the area, but decided with the large number of deer they would be well fed without me in their diet.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Five-Star Tour Cuisine for Guys Who Eat and Ride
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Some additional Tour chatter
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Where I'll be for the next few weeks
That link isn't working anymore. So try this for a list of possible links to live video:
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The burger has its "bacon" treatment in the NYT
The Perfect Burger and All Its Parts
A special nod to the mention of Gus' Pickles on the Lower East Side. For of those not familiar with it, go rent Crossing Delancey where it has a supporting role.Monday, June 15, 2009
No rest for anyone, even when you are told to
The article was most interesting in examing the dynamic with public employess who have not been furloughed in the true sense of the word. Rather they have just had their pay cut. Why? Well it turns out that they have to schedule their furlough days (much like a vacation or personal day) and they are so busy and short staffed that they can't get approval to take the days off. Since the days aren't covered in the normal employment scenario there are no rules to govern their use or lack there of.
In the end it says more about our desire to work (and the role that plays in our self-worth and self-image) than anything else. We all aspire to a life of leisure, but most of us would have a hard time with it even if we could.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
30 Rock and the Muppets
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
How smart is it to have a smart phone?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
A logical sequel to the bacon craze
Monday, May 25, 2009
Trails riding
Danny MacAskill April 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Some there there
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Forget Brooks, I want to be Jeff Goldberg
Israel’s Fears, Amalek’s Arsenal
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Bike Rumours
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I want David Brooks Job!
In any event, since the NYT is unlikely to call me up and offer me a writing gig, let me reccomend a reading gig. The Atlantic has an interesting story on a long term study conducted on students at Harvard in the 40's. Its worth reading if only for the insight it sheds on two subjects 1) we are rarely as fortunate as we seem 2) happiness has yet to be successfully quatified. So go enjoy yourself.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
They're repainting my childhood news program
Most interesting factoid? That the web site reader and the program viewer groups have almost no overlap. My take, most of the viewers are not young enough to surf the web (except for all of the ones who have been set up on Facebook by their kids).
Monday, May 11, 2009
Music to my ears
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A club to love
Monday, May 4, 2009
A wee bit of pragmatism?
For an organization that has been hell bent on the destruction of Israel for the last 30 years, that comes as a refreshing bit of pragmatism. But why? Could it be that Hamas feels like it might get left out in the cold if Obama manages to court the Syrians? Or what happens if the Iranians decide to get friendly (or less hostile) with the new administration? Could Hamas, the least important of Iran's clients get kicked to the curb? If so, how could Hamas forestall such a development? By doing a little outreach on its own? Of course with the current downturn the economies of Iran and Syria might not have as much room for foreign largess as they used to when oil (I know Syria doesn't have any) was $147 a barrel.
Another possible explanation is that Hamas is shrewdly playing off the fact that the new Israeli government is shaping up to be even more rejectionist than Hamas. Is Meshal trying to demonstrate to Obama that Hamas is the more rational and reasonable party to the conflict? It seems a tall order from the people who perfected the art of suicide bombing. However, when you get placed in a line up with Avigdor "Yvette" Lieberman you might have a chance.
Most interesting to me was this line "After all, the firing is a method, not a goal." Methods and goals? Is the leader of Hamas reading management theory? Is Covey available in Arabic?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Everything old is new again
Bruce, who never held a punch, gave me a quick lesson in the realities of university economics. He pointed out that upon his retirement (still more the decade off) his corner office and tenured position would simply disappear and the university would likely hire a couple of lecturers to cover his courses on a part time basis. None of them would get health benefits, a pension or any of the other traditional perks of academic life. In short it was a warning, and one I took seriously.
More than a decade later I have pursued an alternate path in another branch of the educational world, with great satisfaction. All of this becomes relevant again with the much read op-ed in the NYT over the weekend End the University as We Know It. Another salient critique of the current situation in academia, which will only become worse in the next few years.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Time to hunker down?
It was only a few months ago that we were still treated to a nightly onslaught of programs on TLC about people moving into new houses with a celebratory display of ikea wares. But that was then, this is now. Now, there is no moving up. Now, we are hunkering down.
Of course hunkering down is both a symptom and a cause of greater economic stress. A symptom as people who are worried about their financial future (even if they have jobs) start to hedge their bets by staying put in homes that they might have deemed too small, or in neighborhoods felt to no longer be desirable. That of course is one more factor in the ongoing meltdown in the housing market. Add it to the constrained credit markets and you start to see why even with a growing stock of ever cheaper homes on the market there are fewer shoppers.
But this immobility is also a cause of further stress. As people hunker down, both by not moving or shopping for smaller goods and services, they depress multiple sectors of the economy. To lure shoppers in, merchants and professionals lower their prices. Buyers then start to sense a pattern of sinking prices and realize that by holding off on a purchase a bit longer they will have greater buying power and their money will be worth more. Welcome to the wide world of deflation.
Deflation is, oddly enough, a situation where money becomes worth more. Spain is now in the early stages of what might be a deflationary spiral as prices come down in an attempt to spur business. But with little disposable income, no one is buying. Merchants, suppliers, professionals and factories shed staff, fewer can buy anything at all.
Of course the upside to deflation is that for anyone who has cash in hand it will be a buyers paradise- so hang on to your piggy bank. The US is unlikely to face such a fate however since the Fed has also said that it will issue up to one trillion dollars of debt to cover losses in various financial firms and housing loans. That is in effect printing another trillion dollars, something that in normal times would trigger inflation- where money loses its purchase power. Will the Fed, and the Obama administration be able to hold this balancing act until the bottom strikes and we start to move back up? Time will tell, but there is always the memory of the stagflation 70's to keep us up at night.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Controlled implosion
Flint MI has different plans afoot to deal with its shrinking population and loss of infrastructure, controlled implosion of residential and commercial districts to use less land and preserve community. Of course another outcome of rejiggering the urban landscape is the creation of less transportation needy environments. How about a LEED certified city?
Monday, April 20, 2009
If your adventure setting is over 7
Downtown on the Corner
There is no more striking example of a mix of people than standing on a street corner at the edge of a downtown's redevelopment zone. Right there where the suits and the homeless mix brings you an incredible range of the American experience. In San Francisco you get the added bonus of tourists of all stripes (from the backpacking college students to the families with their $800 strollers) digital cameras in hand.
So there I was standing on a street corner just beyond the fancy lunch spots and just where the transitional living facilities start taking in the parts of American society that are hidden from many of us. It is there that you are reminded that there are still a lot of people who are not only struggling, but are in many cases sliding backwards. Actually these folks were sliding backwards during the "Bush boom" (as Paul Krugman calls it) and are now in free-fall today. The coming cuts in social welfare programs, charitable giving and menial employment will undercut the few support systems that are left. The result will be more evocative of the third world than the shiny city on the bay that San Francisco wants to be. But SF is not alone. Go stand on a street corner in Oakland, Richmond or even Concord and you will see the same struggle for survival. Even the Safeway in my neighborhood has acquired a few resident pan-handlers, sitting outside on the bench with a constant request for small change.
You might well ask, what can be done? Well in addition to all the volunteering that is going on these days (which is laudatory) I would encourage folks to continue to donate in whatever way they can to agencies that are engaged in direct service. Also, people might want to start thinking about how the tax structure of our communities, counties and states has contributed to the current problem. Think Global- Act Local.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
More cycling news upon us, we have been discovered!
Well then, perhaps we could get congress to recognize bicycle purchases as eligible for commuter Flex funds just like parking and transit passses. Call your representatives and demand action.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Bike Month and some questions
When oil prices where up to $140/barrel last year many of us in the cycling world (especially the cycle commuter set) were pretty sure that for some parts of the US northern European style cycling was just around the corner. But with the drop in oil removing the incentive for people to reconsider their driving habits (and the fact that buying a bike does not seem like a good move in a recession) one might wonder where exactly we are headed. But all of the upsides remain. More bikes=fewer cars. Fewer cars=less oil purchased from non-democratic regimes, fewer greenhouse gases and of course healthier people (which also saves a lot of money).
As many before me have noted, most of America is set up to make driving the easiest option. Big parking lots, freeways, suburbs, even office parks are all a byproduct of how people move from place to place. There have been a few stabs in the other direction. The newer bridges here in the Bay Area have bike lanes (including the new Bay bridge- whenever its finished), many cities have designated bike lanes and bike streets. All that is great, but it does not seem to be making a dent in the amount of traffic headed down I-80 each morning. So, short of uprooting 50+ years of infrastructure what can we do to effect this change? We could jack up taxes on cars or oil (a carbon tax?) but that might be a tough sell in the middle of a huge recession.
How about providing more tax incentives to cycle commuters? Perhaps a depreciation schedule for bicycles used for commuting. How about a tax incentive to live within 10 miles of your job? That alone might not only encourage smaller commutes (and more cyclists) but also help to stabilize communities in cities that are otherwise suffering from brain-drain and capital flight.
Imagine if on your tax form you had a chance to take a credit based on your distance from work? This would not be a tax on your commute, but a credit for not having one. I am sure there is someone out there who could do the math and tell me if this is practical.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Free-Range Trichinosis?
James McWilliams piece on the 9th was one such piece of rubbish. Without delving too deeply into the numerous bits of flotsam and jetsam that McWilliams places in our path (I am sorry he won't try wild boar) lets reduce his argument to its little tiny nub. As he puts it:
IS free-range pork better and safer to eat than conventional pork? Many consumers think so. The well-publicized horrors of intensive pig farming have fostered the widespread assumption that, as one purveyor of free-range meats put it, “the health benefits are indisputable.” However, as yet another reminder that culinary wisdom is never conventional, scientists have found that free-range pork can be more likely than caged pork to carry dangerous bacteria and parasites.So here it is, the quality of life of pigs (and their flavor) is less important than eliminating a disease that is easily dealt with by cooking and engaging in safe food handling procedures. That's it. What is he defending? Industrial hog production. What does that give us? Well for starters, very unhealthy pigs. Now, I am not sure about McWilliams but as a child my parents kept a sow that we bred each year. Pigs (as opposed to wild boar) are a domesticated species. They seem to be at their happiest rooting, wallowing and being with other pigs. Pigs are perhaps the most intelligent of the barnyard animals (even exceeding horses- who I am told are roughly as smart as a 3 year old which explains many horse temper tantrums). Are they, and we, better off when instead of being free to do these things they are confined to small pens and subjected to so much stress that their systems are flooded with cortisol (to a point where some say that it affects the flavor of the meat). Also, what of the giant lagoons of pig shit that litter the Midwestern landscape? Perhaps those too are to be explained away by the bogyman of trichinosis.
The truth be told, it is long overdue that consumers take a good hard look at the meat (and everything else) in the supermarket and contemplate exactly how much fuel, toil and suffering is represented in a box of cheap bacon.
But let me be clear, this is not an argument for vegetarianism. I would only suggest that McWilliams and everyone else be willing to look that animal in the eye before you eat it. But the real hand tip about McWilliams' true agenda is revealed at the very end where we are promised that he is hard at work on a book about the terrible things that locovore movement will visit upon us.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Was there a prince in Egpyt?
Of course the one thing it cannot overcome is the factual basis of the exodus story overall. It is at this time every year that Slate or someone else feels the need to run a piece on how the exodus story might have happened (the darkness was a eclipse, the Red sea was actually a small lake and the parting an odd wind). But none of these work-arounds can get around the big problem. There is no evidence that the Jews were ever in Egypt in the first place.
And that lack of evidence, both in the Egyptian archives and the absence of physical remains (600,000 people schlepping across the desert would leave a wide trail, even thousands of years later) is compounded by the chronology problem.
Simply put, the window of opportunity for the exodus exists between Ramses II construction of the cities of P'tom and Ramses (he ascends the throne in 1290 bce, and the bible mentions these cities as being built by the Israelites) and Merenptah's campaign in the Levant circa 1208 bce. There he mentions Israel as one of the people/places he has laid waste to during the course of re-subjugating the area to Egyptian rule. It is actually the first written reference to Israel anywhere and certainly provides evidence of the people of Israel in the Land of Israel for over 3000 years (take that, revisionists).
So, that leaves a short 80 year period for the exodus and 40 years in the desert to have occurred. Therefore, all of the events described in the book of Joshua (i.e. the conquest of the land of Israel) should be reflected in the archeological record. This is simply not the case. Many places, especially Jericho and HaAi are simply not inhabited at this time. Others like Hazor were not burned or destroyed at this time (it's easy to see ash in the strata).
Nonetheless, its a great ritual and a great story of national origin. It might be that is more myth than fact- but it is a 2000 year old ritual (the seder) and a wonderful way to celebrate family and community. Perhaps most importantly, its ours. Our ritual, our collective memory and our own story of redemption and origin- that makes it worth celebrating. Even without a mention in the royal archive.
Now, if I could just find a high fiber corn cereal.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Go nuts for the Food section
The New York Times Discovers Neuro-Science
Of course for those of you of a more philosophical bent, please read David Brooks this weekend as he muses about the evolutionary roots of morality. Its actually an interesting question, I have often held that morality is simply a construct we use to identify the line where we cease to believe that the ends justifies the means.
Unfortunately for the absolutists out there, that line moves. It moves for each individual and every society. It changes for each action, big or small. Can I take this penny off the floor? Can I eat the last piece of bacon? Is it OK to plunder the pension fund of a small town in east Kansas? All of these questions require making a decision about ends and means. Draw that circle too tightly and you will cease to be effective in the world. Draw it too wide and you risk becoming a monster. According to the people Brooks is speaking with, those choices are influenced by two competing ideas. The idea of competition with other groups of people balanced against cooperation within our own group.
I believe that ultimately all human behavior can be reconciled in some way to an evolutionary imperative, our task at this stage of our history is to figure out what they are without resorting to the easy answers of theology or compulsion.
After all, the first step towards a cure is identifying the problem.
Friday, April 3, 2009
David and Jonathan
So, the big question is this. Did the writers trace their narrative arc beyond the death of Saul (Silas)? Will they (in a second season) show us the rise of David? Will there be a Bat Sheva on the roof top and an old David whose chief enforcer (and assassin) is Yoav?
We will see, for myself I am simply happy that I can watch on-line since I am pretty bad at remembering to watch shows when they're really on.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
College for All?
What should be interesting is how the public universities react to this. Each year the best public institutions are flooded with applicants. As more qualified, but non-rich, applicants set their sights on Cal instead of Harvard (or even Drexel) the competition will increase. That will have a knock-on effect into the next tier of schools (Davis, KU, etc) where those students who were on the back edge get tossed back into the smaller state schools.
At the end of this little food chain are the community colleges and third tier state schools. What they lack in name recognition they make up for in value. Community Colleges in California are $20/credit, unsurpassed value in America.
Now, the real question is whether state governments (and the Feds) will step forward to maintain or even increase the number of opportunities for students in the coming years as Cornell and Yale wait for their broker statements to recover.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
DSL Update
My DSL is back up and running. The problem? Well it seems that ATT (actually PacBell) placed a small transistor in the junction box a few decades ago to remotely test the line. Turns out these little devices wreak havoc with DSL signals. So, if your DSL goes off when you pick up (or hang up) the phone or otherwise acts odd, call ATT and have them come out and yank that sucker.
Late to the car park
Some companies are in the steel business, some are in the cookie business, but General Motors is in the restructuring business. For 30 years, G.M. has been restructuring itself toward long-term viability.It reminded me of a course I took many, many years ago as an undergraduate back there in the Middle West where I grew up. I cannot remember the exact course title, it was one of those upper division special topic courses. It might have been the course on the history of capitalism, not sure. In any event the course reading list included Brock Yates masterful account of Detroit's major business entitled The Decline and Fall of the American Automobile Industry. Published in 1983, it is almost eerie how little has changed. Which is odd considering that all of the managers who drove GM off that particular road are long since retired. In fact most of the new guys running the place are in their early 50's. Perhaps it cannot all be blamed on the management, after all, the share holders, unions and board own some of this. But, I am reminded of a definition of insanity that remains popular: repeating the same experiment, the same way and expecting different results.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
More that I didn't know
Anyhow, I found this piece interesting not only for his take on global warming (although unqualified to offer an opinion- I think we should work towards controlling it) but for the amazing place he works at. It puts the tank in think tank. Imagine if you had an opportunity to just sit around and think about different problems all day. No need to publish, grade papers or even lecture. As the bratwurst commercial says, "heaven on a bun".
Read the whole profile here
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Back from Sac Town
But having said all that, Sacramento is a great walk/bike around town. Now, this time I was staying downtown as opposed to hanging out in Carmichael (where I have relatives) and I was really struck by how mellow it all was. The landscape is perfectly flat which has allowed the growth of a huge cruiser/single speed scene with people wandering around at all hours of the day and night on fixees, chopper bikes and all manner of non-hill climbing machines. There is also a nice bar and restaurant scene around town both near the convention center and also over near Fort Sutter.
Now if they could do something about those summers, I would start looking for jobs up there.
Oh, and a quick nod to Brew it Up, for their marvelous double IPA
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thanks, "your world delivered"- my ass!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What's your adventure setting?
Tool: outsideonline.com/adventurespectrum
The article isn't online yet, so let me tell you how the scoring works according to the editors:
2- Mini golfers
3- Hacky Sackers
3.5- Bocce Players
4- Soccer Players
5- Cyclists
6.5- Skiers
8- Kayakers
8.5- Alpinists
9- Big Wave Surfers
10+ BASE Jumpers (people who jump off cliffs with parachutes)
BTW, I scored at 10, but I do not have a parachute.
Monday, March 23, 2009
HFC - High Fructose Corn Syrup
This alongside the commercials that the Corn Refiners Association (who knew such a thing even existed?) is running on TV and it might be worth going back to the main question about HFCS. The question should not be about whether the stuff is good for you, get a high enough dose of anything and it could kill you. No, the real question should be about what it takes to get all the cheap corn syrup in the first place. Michael Pollan lays out in glorious detail what it takes to grow that corn in his opus, The Omnivore's Dilemma. The impact on our environment to grow that corn, refine that corn and then shove it into a plastic container filled with, as Pollan puts it "edible non-food" is enormous. Now, it might not be a better deal in oil consumption to suck down Coke made with cane sugar, but it will be a better deal for the farm land of Iowa, the Mississippi river basin and therefore for everyone living there.
Want to do something? Urge Congress and the Ag Dept. to undo the Nixon era changes to corn subsidies and restore some sanity to the marketplace. Right now farmers are rewarded for planting more and more corn. Lets try this on, less corn more pasture and other crops. If this means that the cost of corn goes up- then they might have to stop feeding it to cows, who cannot digest it without being loaded up on drugs and mashed into tight pens. The cost of a steak might go up, but at least it would taste like a steak again.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My fantasy come to life
Locovore Steak
So, my friend subscribes to Marin Sun (www.marinsunfarms.com) and swears by the tastiness of the meat. I might have to check it out for myself.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Republicans in Cali
Here is the problem, the GOP did not nominate the Governator, they never would and never could have. For those with short political memories the recall was a wide open election with dozens of candidates running against Gray Davis. Schwarzenegger simply won the most votes in an open field with no party primary beforehand. That was the key, Schwarzenegger couldn't have won election to represent the California Republicans for dog catcher, let alone governor. I would suggest that both of the candidates fighting to carry the Republican banner in 2010 will have shot themselves badly in the foot with moderate voters after doing what is required to win a majority of the state's Republicans. The best thing the Republican party could do for itself in the next year is try to become a bit more pragmatic about the budget before people start heading to Sacramento with pitchforks.CALIFORNIA
PRESIDENTIAL VOTE 2000: Gore 53-42 2008: Obama 61-37
U.S. SENATE 2005: 2D 2009: 2D
U.S. HOUSE 2005: 33D-20 2009: 34D-19
STATE HOUSE 2005: 48D-32 2009: 51D-29
STATE SENATE 2005: 25D-15 2009: 26D-14In the state that has always the nation's leading indicator of social trends, recent Democratic dominance has been based on the same coalition of urban liberals, suburban social moderates, and minorities that elected Barack Obama last fall. After a few wipeouts, the GOP learned how to survive in that environment and nominated Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose politics would make him a Democrat in most non-coastal states. With the voting population getting less white by the day, there's probably no turning back for California Republicans, though conservatives keep trying. The decision by six GOP lawmakers to side with the Democratic majority in the state Legislature and pass a state budget containing tax increases brought demands for censure from the party's conservative base. State chairman Ron Nehring urged conservatives to cool off and concentrate on growing the party instead. In 2010, when Arnold is termed out, expect eBay exec Meg Whitman and Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner -- both suburban, business-oriented, moderate millionaires -- to fight for the Republican gubernatorial nod.
Memorable quote: "We have to get out of the doldrums from the November election. We need to rally people." -- State GOP vice chairman Tom Del Beccaro
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Stimulus is Paving the Way
More striking for me, is that I think I can see the Obama Stimulus at work outside my living room window this morning. A few years ago Richmond was so broke that the city teetered on the edge of bankruptcy and real financial ruin. The replacement of the city administrator and a number of other senior level civil servants seemed to put that city back on a path to solvency. However in the ensuing year, many city services and programs had been cut back to subsistence levels. One of these was street paving. In fact the Contra Costa Times ran an article describing how Richmond had, by downsizing its street maintenance operations created a situation where they would never catch up on street repair, given the normal course of attrition to a city street.
Indeed the road that runs past my house was so riddled with potholes that when a crew came through two years ago t fill them people stopped and applauded as they worked their way down the street- when was the last time you saw anyone applaud a street crew?
Right now, even in the midst of what must surely be a huge revenue shortfall, there is a crew outside laying down shiny new pavement (not to mention that its raining). I can only attribute this continued to commitment to spending money on the stimulus package. Without those promises of funding from the state and federal level I cannot see my fair city blithely spending away like this. While my street was pretty awful, it was not a matter of life or death by any means, and if nothing else it slowed folks down a bit, making it safer for kids in the neighborhood.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Where I get quoted in a real newspaper
It turns out she had no interest in my bike rack, rather she is a reporter for the Contra Costa Time and she wanted to ask me for my thoughts on the current state of gas prices. I always feel torn in those moments, because I know that people are not looking for a full blown lecture on the impact of the recession on commodity prices, or why we should as a society be using this moment to retool in ways that make us less dependent on fossil fuels while the costs associated with that change are lower. So, I struggle to create some concise and meaningful comments that would fit into a small piece in the paper.
I must have succeeded because a quick Google News search a few day later kicked up this:
Bay Area gas prices edge down
The quote:"If we're smart, we'll figure out ways to use less of it (gas) while the price is cheap so we're using less of it when the economy gets running again," said Gordon Gladstone of Berkeley, who said he has been getting around by bicycle more often. "The price of gas went down because people are driving less often, but at some point that will turn around and the piper will have to be paid."Now, if I could get booked on a cable news show...
Single Speed
For the last year or so I have been riding it as my commute bike. The rear wheel came built with what's known as a "flip-flop" hub. That is, one side of the hub has a freewheel (allowing coasting) and the other is a fixed gear. A fixed gear bike ties the pedals and the rear wheel together so that one cannot move independently of the other. If the bike moves, the pedals move, and your legs move.
If look carefully around town you will see folks riding these rigs with real grace and without the benefit of brakes (they brake by locking their knees, thus stopping the rear wheel and riding a skid to a halt). Its pretty impressive. Less impressive was my own riding when I decided to flip my wheel over earlier this week and ride to meet a friend for lunch.
When you have been riding for years, there are little habits that become ingrained, like coasting up to a stop sign, or down a hill. This is not an option on a fixed gear bike and each time you try to pull one of those little stunts your legs get jerked around by the pedals with surprising amount of force. I can only imagine what I looked like in those moments, a scarecrow on the end of a fishing pole perhaps. A few of those incidents and suddenly you are paying more attention to your riding than you have in years.
My knees and calves are sore- still, but I am probably going to leave this set up in place until I either decide that its really going to hurt me badly, or I master it to some degree. Just don't expect me to take the brakes off anytime soon.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A visit to an Oakland School
Now, its not all bad. The staff I met struck me as caring, hard working and determined to make a difference in the lives of their students. The fact that California leads the country, perhaps the world, in so many intellectual fields (Cal, Silicon Valley, etc) but lags so far back in public education is amazing. That it seems to be the norm among upper middle class folks to send their kids to private school is mind boggling.
I been told that a good chunk of the education system's problems can be traced back to Prop 13 and the distortion it inflicted on school districts revenue stream. This in turn has made all school districts dependent on the state for funds and we all know how well that is working out these days.
Of course in some schools and some districts the PTA steps in and funds all those "luxury" items- like art, music and sports. It seems so odd that a state that is so progressive on so many issues (environment, work place laws, etc) could be so regressive in hurting the most at risk for the sake of insulating folks from the true costs of the communities they live in.
That's my rant for the day. Thanks for reading.
Ode to Liver
Another issue is the fact the livers tend to accumulate all sorts of nasty toxins (yours included). With most chickens you might have second thoughts about ingesting them with the antibiotics and all of the other novel things they feed to them. So, let me suggest going with the organic/free range variety available at Whole Paycheck Foods and other places (if you can find something in a true free range bird so much the better).
The traditional preparation in my Ashkenazi family is chopped chicken liver, a nice mash of liver, onion, seasonings and perhaps a bit of wine for good measure. But on this occasion I was out to recreate a truly faboulus sandwich I had eaten a several weeks ago in New Orleans. It was a fried chicken liver poboy with a topping of coleslaw and a light mayo dressing. Since that particular sandwich could have fed a family of four I decided that something smaller was in order.
Thus, I created the chicken liver slider. Directions below, enjoy:
Chicken Liver Sliders
(feeds 2-3)
1 lb organic chicken livers
6-8 small dinner rolls
1 lb coleslaw (you can make your own, but this is a quick lunch)
Place livers on plate, pat dry with paper towel, season with salt, pepper, and a dash of creole seasoning if desired.
Heat a cast iron pan to med-high heat with a small bit of oil (peanut is best)
[don't own a cast iron pan?? Go to Target (WalMart for Democrats) and pick one up, less than 20 bucks and it will last you a lifetime]
Place livers seasoning side down in pan, set timer for 3 minutes.
While the livers are cooking (and do not move them) toss the rolls in the oven at 300 to warm up.
Turn livers and cook again for 3 minutes.
Remove livers from pan to a cutting board and allow to rest for 3 minutes.
Remove rolls and slice open and place on plates.
Slice livers into bite sized pieces and distribute on rolls evenly.
Top each sandwich with coleslaw and serve.
Toss out your iron supplement- you don't need it now.
Sometimes known in computing circles as the three finger salute (not to be confused with its single digit cousin)it represents a gesture of reset or reboot. In the past I was blogging professionally. From here forward this blog is strictly for my own amusement, if you- the reader- also enjoy any part of it then so much the better.