Monday, June 15, 2009

No rest for anyone, even when you are told to

There is a nice article in the NYT about how people are coping (or not) with work furloughs. For those of you not familiar with the idea, think of them as mini-layoffs. You get a couple of days of unpaid leave and hopefully the aggregate savings your employer enjoys allows them to keep you on the payroll. I have a friend who works for an agency that is contemplating this measure and I have met others whose companies have gone as far as shutting down for a month as a way of coping with a fall off in business.

The article was most interesting in examing the dynamic with public employess who have not been furloughed in the true sense of the word. Rather they have just had their pay cut. Why? Well it turns out that they have to schedule their furlough days (much like a vacation or personal day) and they are so busy and short staffed that they can't get approval to take the days off. Since the days aren't covered in the normal employment scenario there are no rules to govern their use or lack there of.

In the end it says more about our desire to work (and the role that plays in our self-worth and self-image) than anything else. We all aspire to a life of leisure, but most of us would have a hard time with it even if we could.

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